Mr. Mannie
The key part of your question is about.."The More Experienced Players"..Lets talk about them..These gentlemen have lived in the credit world all their lives..They never dreamed of posting up..They #1 dont want to be put on hold..They want to get on and off the phone as quickly as possible..They require a understandable english speaking clerk on the other end of the line..They are order givers and they want order takers..
These players dont want balances given and dont want small talk..They are mostly phone users, not internet guys..They are mostly agent oriented and were the core of the gambling world until recently..They never knew from bonuses, they knew from XMAS gifts..The bonus was getting paid..That was enough for them..They would drive around NYC with a radio on AM and find the spot in town to listen to the game from the place they got the best reception..Today its a little different..
Todays more experienced players need more..They need great bonuses, great customer service, but more importantly they want to feel like their needs are being met..The reason is by posting $ they are making a investment in the book of their choice..They need you to be available..24 hours a day..Years ago you trained the customer as to when the book was available..Today its different..The customer is in the drivers seat..
The most important to both these gentlemen is being treated with respect..Years ago there was no competition like there is today..The marketplace is flooded with viable options..There are many wonderful books who advertise everyday..My belief is the cream will raise..I am in the kitchen baking as we speak..